All content on APKs123, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, downloads, and software, is the property of APKs123 or its content suppliers and is protected by international copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of any materials from this website without express permission is strictly prohibited.
APKs123 respects the intellectual property rights of others. We strive to ensure that all content hosted or linked on our platform complies with copyright laws. If you believe any content on APKs123 infringes on your copyright or other intellectual property rights, please contact us immediately so we can take appropriate action.
Use of APK Files
APKs123 provides APK files solely for personal, non-commercial use. By downloading any APK files, users agree to use them responsibly and to respect the terms and conditions established by the original developers. APKs123 does not endorse the unauthorized distribution of paid apps or content.
Copyright Complaints
If you are a copyright owner and believe that any content on APKs123 infringes on your copyright, please send a detailed notice to our support team. Include the following information in your copyright infringement notice:
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Contact Information
For copyright inquiries or to report a copyright infringement, please contact us at:
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